Composition Grid


I’ve always liked the simplicity of Tetris. With that in mind I started to make lots and lots of drawings. Tetris blocks are built out of four squares. I used six. In Composition Grid you can elaborate with the squares and make different combinations. Every possible combination of six squares is associated with a drawing detail in the same shape. While you move black squares around, you will at the same time make a drawing.

Out of six squares you can create 216 unique formations. So, I had to draw 216 different creatures. Since I felt a horizon was needed I had to make the double amount of drawing – a flying version and a ground version.

One important aspects of Composition Grid is the idea of the original. What’s the original and authentic if everything is digital? With the drawing tool I’m offering the possibility of creating original art pieces made in collaboration with me. If you feel satisfied with a drawing you can print it out. As it’s printed my signature will appear. That’s the sign of the art piece authenticity. From there on that specific drawing can never be printed again. You can be sure to be the only one with that unique drawing.

The goal is to have Composition Grid up and running on a Webb-site. I’m also planning to launch it for the iPad.
Read an article about Composition Grid, (in Swedish)
Read an article that mentions Composition Grid.

  • March 25th, 2011