Me and My Professor


When studying art history at the University of Stockholm, we were critically reading a text by professor Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf. The text, “The Implied Viewer,” was written in 2003. In it she especially examines paintings by Nicolas Poussin. She’s studying the paintings signs and offer us a method to get closer to them.  When I realized that she considers the central perspective a necessity, it made me investigate her method in a practical manner. She wasn’t convincing so I started to make constructions through which I could test my ideas against hers. I argued that the color, the form, and the distance decided how the gaze would move over the picture space. The painting did not need a central perspective – it could even be abstract. I used the same paintings she used, but I made them into abstract 3D models. The forms were all mobile and in that way I argued that I could try out my ideas.




  • March 25th, 2011